Samstag, 30. Dezember 2017

Optimize Your Website for Mobile Users

Today’s marketplace is becoming more and more mobile, as stats suggest that nearly fifty percent of commerce is completed via a mobile device. What does that mean for you and your business? It’s time to optimize your website and make it mobile friendly.
The key term you need to remember is mobile. Mobile visitors are looking for a streamlined version of your site. They do not want to see a lot of useless information like staff bios and mission statements. Their goal is to get in, get the information they need, and get out.
Here are a few things to consider when designing your website for mobile devices.
  1. Keep it Simple
Simplify your sight. Then simplify it again. Then again. Your goal here is to strip out as much useless information as possible. Put yourself in the shoes of your target customer. What are they looking to accomplish?
You only have so much real estate to work with, so it’s essential that you provide visitors the information they want as concisely as possible. Drive the sales process by keeping your mobile site succinct and straightforward.
  1. Branding
Optimizing your site for mobile web pages doesn’t mean it ceases to be your site. Find clever ways to incorporate your branding into your mobile site. Remember, this is still a brand touchpoint, so you want to be sure to promote and reflect your brand.
Use similar themes and colors across your platforms to provide a consistent experience for your customers. You want them to have a similar experience on the mobile site, as they would have on your standard site.
  1.  Avoid Text Entry
While there is some business that will not be able to get away from this no matter how much they try, you’ll want your site to avoid requiring customers to enter data. Instead, try using checklists, dropdowns, or pre-populated menus.
  1. Scroll on Through
Try to avoid implementing ‘pinch and zoom’ sites, as most users become frustrated with the experience this provides. Instead, focus on offering a smooth and pleasant scrolling experience, with a standard menu, and plenty of space between buttons. When creating your mobile site, keep in mind that visitors will be using their fingers, instead of a mouse pointer.
  1. Scale it Down
You’ve dedicated days and weeks to create an impeccable experience for your users on your standard website. The UI is beautiful, and the site is flawless. The only problem is that it doesn’t scale to mobile.
Remember that people will view your site on smaller screens, and since most users will see it on a smartphone, both landscape and portrait mode are important. With nearly five hundred different screen sizes, you’ll want to come up with a mobile-optimized landing page.
  1. Easy Interaction
This one we touched on briefly, but it should go without saying that your users want to be able to interact with your mobile site without a lot of hassle. With that in mind, consider some of the actions that can make  for an better mobile experience..
You can include links to things like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, maps, email, LinkedIn, and a multitude of other areas. Make it easy for your customers to find and connect with you.
Remember that you want to provide a seamless, simple, easy to use experience for your customers. Make sure your page is optimized for web usage and does not lead users to a blank loading page or an inconsistent site.
Develop a mobile strategy, put it into place and optimize your website for mobile users. DFY’s lead generation system can help.

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